Project Part 1

To display the super computer through out the years being used.

  1. I downloaded the data from the ‘Our world in Data’ ( I chose this data because since technology is a big part of todays generation I wanted to see the improvement of super computers.

  2. Here is the link to the data.

  3. the following code chunk is what packages I will use to read the data in preparation for my analysis.

  1. Read the data
super_computer_power_flops <-
  1. Use glimpse to see the super computers from over the years
Rows: 29
Columns: 4
$ Entity                               <chr> "World", "World", "Worl~
$ Code                                 <chr> "OWID_WRL", "OWID_WRL",~
$ Year                                 <int> 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,~
$ Floating.Point.Operations.per.Second <dbl> 1.240e+11, 1.700e+11, 1~
  1. Use the output from the glimpse and the view to prepare the data
entity <- c("world",
            "floating-point operations per second")

flops_per_year <- super_computer_power_flops %>%
  rename(world = 1, code = 4) %>%
  filter(Year >= 2015) %>% 
  select(Year, code, world) %>% 
  mutate(code = code * 1e-9)

check the amount of the year for 2015

flops_per_year %>% 
  filter(code >= 2015)
  Year      code world
1 2015  33900000 World
2 2016  93000000 World
3 2017  93000000 World
4 2018 143500000 World
5 2019 148600000 World
6 2020 442000000 World
7 2021 442000000 World
write_csv(flops_per_year, file= "supercomputer-power-flops")